Thursday, June 7, 2012

In The Rain

Animals poop, even when it's raining. It's my task in the morning to follow my animals around and pick it up. I'm sure this happens to other people. We just choose not to define ourselves by the menial daily tasks we perform. I am a doctor. I have degrees. Picking up poop however is something I can count on every day.

I have a few critters, goats, sheep, chickens, dogs and cats. They all poop. While walking around the yard this morning, in the pouring rain, picking up poop, I thought of all the other people who must be doing the same thing. I'm speaking to you.

My back hurts. My hand is cramping from squeezing the Pooper Scooper and yet every well placed feces, every half dissolved by the pouring rain turd, must be picked up and placed in the bag to be thrown out. The rain is bucketing down, but that doesn't stop their little digestive systems from working, and waiting for the sun to come out just means more poo for later.

If only shit did roll down hill, but instead I pace back and forth as though I were mowing the lawn admiring my technique and efficiency. Of course, just when I think I'm all done and take one last long look at a job well done, and a lovely, clean lawn, the little darlings leave one last present for me. Do I untie the bag and walk to the end of the yard to pick it up? You tell me.